What we do
We are a global non-profit technology organization formed from the Property Rights initiative at Omidyar Network in 2020. PLACE solves for the inefficiencies of modern-day mapping by creating a trusted intermediary between public and private good providers to deliver hyperlocal, accurate and detailed optical imagery of the earth’s surface that everyone needs but is difficult to produce, and to maintain on their own.
PLACE stewards the data in PLACE Trust, a permanent legal data trust based in the United Kingdom. Data trusts are an approach to looking after and making decisions about data in a similar way that trusts have been used to look after and make decisions about other forms of assets in the past, such as land trusts that steward land on behalf of local communities. A data trust provides independent, fiduciary stewardship of data.

Our Impact
PLACE data is used to better understand global challenges and build critical solutions for responding to climate change, economic development, urban planning and disaster resilience with further applications and innovations continually increasing as the membership grows.

Our Principles
Enshrined in our values is our commitment that PLACE must have a clear purpose, be trustworthy and function effectively. All our values, which are expressed as a set of 9 principles flow from this.

Theory of Change
PLACE is creating a data trust that collects, aggregates and maintains optical aerial and street imagery to address a global market failure to acquire and make available this type of data whilst preserving national sovereignty and ownership. PLACE delivers Trust, Financial Sustainability and Technology. Data produced by PLACE can be used by governments, civil society organizations and business across multiple verticals including Climate, housing, health, WASH, environment etc.