PLACE People
From Bangalore to Washington, Yaoundé to London our team lives and works across the globe.
Our Boards
ThisIsPlaceFoundation (“PLACE US”), is a non-profit organization with its principal office located at 7272 Wisconsin Avenue, 9th Floor, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA. PLACE US operates in legal partnership with ThisIsPlace UK (“PLACE UK”)
ThisisPLACE UK is a not for profit company limited by guarantee with registered company number: 14304502 with its registered office at 10 Queen Street Place, London EC4R 1BE. PLACE UK operates in legal partnership with PLACE US and was founded to promote and support public access to, use of, and contribution to, open access mapping and geo-spatial data and other geographical and environmental information for utility by the general public. At its core is The PLACE Trust an endowment data trust with the purpose of storing licenced copies of Government data that are then sub-licensed by the wholly owned trading company to members of the PLACE Community under terms of responsible and ethical use.
ThisisPLACE Trading Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 14376864 whose registered office is at 10 Queen Street Place, London, United Kingdom, EC4R 1B. PLACE Trading is a wholly owned subsidiary of ThisisPLACE UK with the purpose of issuing data licences from the PLACE Trust and receiving commercial use fees.